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SPECIES: | C. annuum | |
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Black Pearl: C. annuum.
Varietà ornamentale dagli USA. Sviluppata da Arboretum Floral and Nursery Plants Research Unit, dagli scienziati Rob Griesbach e John Stommel dell'Agricultural Research Service’s Vegetable Laboratory. Vincitore del premio Fiore nel 2006 alla All-America Selections® (AAS). La pianta sviluppa vigorosa e cespugliosa e cresce in altezza 45 - 60 cm. Ha la caratteristica di essere interamente nera. I frutti maturano dal nero lucido al rosso intenso in 90 giorni circa.
Black Pearl: C. annuum.
Ornamental variety from the USA. Developed by Arboretum Floral and Nursery Plants Research Unit, scientists Rob Griesbach and John Stommel of the Agricultural Research Service's Vegetable Laboratory. Flower Award winner in 2006 at the All-America Selections ® (AAS). The plant grows bushy and grows in height from 45 to 60 cm. It has the characteristic of being entirely black. The fruits ripen from glossy black to deep red in about 90 days.
Black Pearl: C. annuum.
Variedad ornamental de los USA. Desarrollado por el Arboretum Floral and Nursery Plants Research Unit, los científicos Rob Griesbach y John Stommel de Agricultural Research Service’s Vegetable Laboratory. Ganador del premio Flor en 2006 en el All-America Selections ® (AAS). La planta crece espesa y crece en altura de 45 a 60 cm. Tiene la característica de ser totalmente negro. Los frutos maduran de color negro brillante a rojo intenso en 90 días.
Black Pearl: C. annuum.
Ornamental Sorte aus den USA. Entwickelt von Arboretum Floral and Nursery Pflanzen Research Unit, Wissenschaftlern Rob Griesbach und John Stommel des Agricultural Research Service des Vegetable Laboratory. Flower Award Gewinner 2006 in der All-America Selections ® (AAS). Die Pflanze wächst buschig und wächst in der Höhe von 45 bis 60 cm. Es hat die Eigenschaft, ganz schwarz. Die Früchte aus glänzend schwarz bis dunkelrot in 90 Tagen reifen.
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